Jean Millard Honored: 2011 Woman of the Year

Jean Millard 2011 Woman of the Year
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Recognized by the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland School Rotary

Willow Spring, NC — January, 19, 2012 — Jean Millard, Founder and President of StoryTime Club, Inc., announced today she was recently recognized as the 2011 Woman of the Year.  She received this honor from the Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Cleveland School Rotary on January 9, 2012, at the GCCC’s annual banquet.

The plaque was presented to Jean in recognition of her outstanding dedication, commitment, and personal leadership in the Cleveland Community.  She’s worked tirelessly for 4 years to reinforce positive values to our young ones.  Most recently, Jean’s been working on her nationwide grassroots initiative to Help Stop Bullying Now!™

Suzanne Wiley, President of Cleveland School Rotary, introduced Jean and also presented her with the award.  “I wish you could have seen the look on Jean’s face,” Suzanne said later that evening.

Jean admitted she’s never been more surprised by anything in her life.  “If they were trying to ‘surprise’ me, they sure pulled it off—quite skillfully, I might add.”

Thinking she was probably going to get a certificate in recognition of her work to counter bullying, Jean came as her character, Gray-Haired Granny.  And Granny always wears her signature long purple coat when SHE makes public appearances.

When Jean’s name was announced, Granny humbly accepted the honor for Jean.  “Wow!” she said.  “It’s such a great honor to be recognized by one’s peers.  And for something I find great satisfaction in doing.  I LOVE working with the children, so receiving this recognition is very gratifying.  It’s truly a humbling experience.  Thank you so much.”

Granny went on to recognize our educators.  She said they need all the support we can give them to help strengthen our community.  She added, “Because when we have strong families, we build strong communities.”

About StoryTime Club™

Formed in 2008, StoryTime Club, Inc., publishes books and tools specifically crafted to reinforce positive values for a ‘happier ever after’.™  Our mission is to support parents and educators who work hard to instill good, solid principles and values in their children/students.  We do this by offering wholesome products that’ll impact children positively.  For more information about StoryTime Club,™ please visit, call 1-919-275-4678, or email



Media Contact:  Stephen Peacock, stephen at, (919)383-2296

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