NO, YOU DON’T and neither do I!
Hey, there, I’m Gray-Haired Granny. I know you work hard to instill good, solid principles and promote strong values in your children. And you search for ways to shore up this all important foundation.
Charlie The Dimpled Dragon
Want to promote kindness and respect AND counter bullying? You’ll love how this engaging picture book (grades K-3) helps children understand the beauty of diversity and the power of acceptance. Take a Peek!
Mr. Tootenspieler and His Fabulous, Ginormous One Man Band
Do your children seldom complete tasks because they think they’re too hard? Mr. Tootenspieler to the rescue! Read this captivating book with them then watch as they’re inspired to finish what they start. Mr. Tootenspieler’s timeless message of perseverance and teamwork will make this a classic favorite of both the young and young at heart!
Help Stop Bullying Now! Downloads
A letter you can share with your Principal![]() |
Fundraising Flier for PTAs and Civic Groups![]() |