Press Kit

 Media Kit

Headquarters: StoryTime Club
P. O. Box 123
Willow Spring, NC 27592
Phone: 919-275-4678
email: info at
Founder and Chief Executive: Jean Millard
Company Founded: January 2008

Quick Facts

After completing her first children’s book in 1978, Jean Millard began researching ways to get it published.  She soon realized, as an unknown author, this would be no easy task.  Jean was determined to help as many children and their families as possible so she decided to self-publish…StoryTime Club™ was born!

At StoryTime Club™,  we’re aware that many of you work hard to instill good, solid principles and promote strong values in your children.  You search for ways to shore up the all-important foundation you’ve laid.

That’s why StoryTime Club™ was created — to support YOU!  Since every book written by Jean Millard as Gray-Haired Granny or published by StoryTime Club™ is specifically crafted to reinforce positive values for a ‘happier ever after,’ you can be confident they’re wholesome.  We invite you to explore StoryTime Club’s memorable books with your child(ren) and discover what a positive impact they’ll have on them.

StoryTime Club™ is Unique

Many of you are passionate about the problems our society faces.  You really CARE.  You want to make a difference to help alleviate these problems in your communities, you just don’t know how.

That’s where StoryTime Club™ comes in.  By creating special tool kits addressing these societal issues, we assist you to make a difference.  When you sponsor classrooms with StoryTime Club’s innovative tool kits, you help ease the burden of financially strapped school systems.  But more than this, you make a HUGE difference with children and their families who’ll continue to reap the long-lasting benefits of the program.

Press Releases

Download StoryTime Club™ and Gray-Haired Granny Images

We have made a number of images available for use by the media and bloggers.  You can download versions optimized for the web or for print below.

To download a photo, click on the link for either the web or print optimized image you want. It will open in a new window, then right-click the image, choose “Save Image As” and save it to your computer.


Sample Image Web Optimized Print Optimized
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 Media Contact: 

Stephen Peacock
stephen at