Dear Elementary School Teacher,
Everyday you’re with your class, you face many challenges. One of which is how best to promote literacy.
There’s a direct correlation between a child’s self-esteem and confidence with his ability to read and write well. And, as a child gets older, how well he comprehends what he reads becomes ever more important.
It’s imperative we provide our children with fun exercises that will stretch their imaginations and fully engage them. Ones that will encourage them to become better readers and writers.
That’s what Gray-Haired Granny’s all about! In fact, I tell kids all the time, “Good readers have more fun!”
Which is why I’m introducing, Let’s Write! Several times a year, StoryTime Club will offer a different scenario for your students to write about. Each will feature FIG and Bella, two stick kids who live at the bottom of Gray-Haired Granny’s long purple coat. They’re neighbors and best buddies who love playing with their faithful dogs, Zinger and Zinnia.
So, I’d LOVE to hear your suggestions for scenarios for FIG and Bella. What are some important issues your students deal with both at school and at home? These could make for some great story lines!
When the students are through writing and illustrating their stories, please send me their very best work. I’d enjoy reading them.
Please send the stories to:
StoryTime Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 123
Willow Spring, NC 27592
and include:
- Child’s first name and last initial
- Child’s age and grade
- Name of school and state
- Your first name and last initial
Please note: All submissions become the property of StoryTime Club, Inc.
Download the rules and assignment here.
Every month we’ll showcase a student’s story on Granny’s blog―one story for each grade level!
And, as always…Expect Success!