Jean Millard Fights Childhood Obesity

Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce’s 2011 Woman of the Year, Jean Millard, Fights Childhood Obesity

See Jean Millard’s Indiegogo Campaign to Fight Childhood Obesity

Willow Spring, NC — October, 12, 2012 — Jean Millard, president of StoryTime Club, Inc.,, announced today she’s fighting childhood obesity by writing her first children’s chapter book, The Amazing Mis Adventures of Mike Mega with Dr. U.B. Strong or My Taste Buds Almost Killed Me and Other Confessions (TAMAoMM).  Written under her pen name, Gray-Haired Granny, Millard said the book is for readers ages 8-12.

Mike Mega
Mike Mega is the Main Character in Granny’s Chapter Book to Help Fight Childhood Obesity

“A report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Trust For America’s Health titled, ‘F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012,’  presents us with some shocking numbers.  It states adult obesity rates could exceed 60% in 13 states by 2030,”  Millard said.  “That’s why I’m so passionate.  If we’re going to reverse this trend for our youth, we must teach children AND their parents simple, easy to incorporate strategies for a healthier lifestyle.  These dire predictions about obesity don’t have to be their reality.”

“So I’m calling my book the world’s first children’s chapter book for parents, too!” continues Millard.  “If parents want to have a positive impact on their children’s health, they absolutely MUST change their mindset when it comes to shopping and preparing food for their families.  When parents read my book—with my fast paced, engaging writing style—they not only love it, they GET IT!”

Millard said, “I’ve worked tirelessly for kids:  written and published 2 books, read at events, businesses, and schools throughout NC, conducted workshops, and helped develop content for my Help Stop Bullying Now! Tool Kit™.    Since I’ve self-funded most of my projects, I’m fast running out of operating capital.  I need your assistance to continue helping families and to complete TAMAoMM.  Since childhood obesity is irrespective of national borders, I believe my book will have global impact.  There’s such a critical need for this book, I just can’t quit now.”

This is why Millard has turned to Indiegogo to help raise money to finish her project.  “ is an international crowd funding website enabling writers, like me, to make a public appeal for funding,” Millard said.  “Their website provides the platform to do this, but I need your help to ensure my project’s successful completion.”

Millard urges supporters to make this happen—monetarily and/or by spreading the word through social media, email, etc.  The project’s URL is:

About StoryTime Club ™

Founded in 2008, StoryTime Club, Inc., publishes books and tools dealing with important social issues such as bullying and childhood obesity.  All products are specifically crafted to reinforce positive values for a ‘happier ever after’.™  Our mission is to support parents and educators who work hard to instill good, solid principles and values in their children/students.  We do this by offering wholesome tools that’ll have a positive impact on children.  For more information about StoryTime Club,™ please visit  call 919-275-4678 or email

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