A Proactive Approach to Help Stop Bullying Now!

Well, the weather’s changed mighty quickly in Granny’s neck of the woods.  One minute you’re basking in the warmth of the sun, then, the next thing you know, it feels raw as winter.  Sure hope we can find Fall!

Yet, even though seasons change, one thing’s for sure—your love for our kids never will.  And that’s exactly what it’ll take to help our children grow to be responsible, caring individuals—lot’s of love and interest from, not just you, but many.

I’ve long heard this said, “It takes a community to raise a child.”  What a true statement!  We all need to take an interest in our kids to counter what’s become a horrible epidemic—bullying!

We’re literally allowing bullies to snatch our children’s prospects for happiness and a good life right from under our eyes.  Just imagine the bright potential of these children that’ll never be realized when this happens. Continue reading “A Proactive Approach to Help Stop Bullying Now!”

Inaugural Edition of Expect Success! eNewsletter

Hey there,

I’m Gray-Haired Granny and welcome to StoryTime Club!  Naw, just kiddin’…but that really IS the way I kick off my public readings.

I’m just so excited to have you here!  Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Expect Success! eNewsletter.

If you’re wondering why I came up with the name—Expect Success!—well that was pretty easy, and I’ll tell you about it in a moment.

But before I do, I want to chat with you a bit about how many people approach life.  There are many among us who figure, with a little luck, they’ll find or experience success at whatever they put their hand to.

Yet, is a person’s success in life based on luck or is it something else?

Yes, you know the definition of luck but let’s cite Webster’s anyway.  The dictionary says:  luck is the “seemingly chance happening of events which affect one.”

And in my humble opinion, no matter what you put your hand to—whether you’re successful at it or not—has absolutely nothing to do with that definition of luck.

Bruce Springsteen, the famous American rocker, once said, “When it comes to luck, you make your own.”  Then there’s the first century Roman philosopher, Lucius Seneca, who penned the words, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.”

Did you notice that both men—from two very different times—recognized the need for one common element?  They both understood action is required of a person to make things happen.

Henry Hartman once said success always comes when preparation meets opportunity.

I like that definition.  When we prepare our children with the right tools—teach them good, solid core values and then reinforce these—we empower them to be emotionally strong, loving, and caring children.  Continue reading “Inaugural Edition of Expect Success! eNewsletter”